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Moistest Brain Drippings

Grover Cleveland - America's 22nd President
What's the big deal with these new president coins and why on earth would we give Grover Cleveland double dollars?
January's Month End Wrapup
Too big for a news dropping, it's dropped here instead!
What the crap is a Woot?
After many agonizing days, I received a bag of crap in the mail & I couldn't be happier! w00t!
What time is it?!
When I woke up this morning the myriad clocks all read something different. Should I stop the insanity? It's time.
How I coped with getting married...
Music has always meant a lot to me (see below) so I wasn't shocked to realize that I had positively bathed in it during the week leading up my Mawidge. Read on for the inside scoop on our hot wax coated wedding reception!
Rant on! Call MY media illegal do you?
"Weird Al" Yankovic VS MC Lars. I have a feeling they're on the same team in the end.
Eric is ... married!
Part one of the two part wedding is completed. The state of New Jersey is cool with us as a married couple. However, we're only half way there... Read on for the rest of the story!
Why is everyone doing the Fusion Dance?
There is a Valdez load of money being dumped into making sure we are in Awe of "Fusion" and I think I figured out why. Prepare to be shocked! Oh, and check out All Things Fusion 2006 while you're there.
At Home on the Internet
Aka @Home.net, this is a metaphore run amuck that is part history lesson, part psychotic vision of my PC as my home through the ages.
A quick history of this website
Formerly stored in the News Archive, I moved it here because I could.
April Fools!
Herein I chronicle my greatest pranks of all time including the masterpiece of 2005! My first ever 2 page dripping!
Odds & Ends
I intended this to be a quick write-up of a few things I wanted to get off of my chest, but it turned into this windy mess that I HOPE you'll read all the way to the end. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!
Language! (Well, you gotta speak something)
A short pictorial exposition on the evils that others do to the "Engrish" language.
Eric's Favorites Photos
I've taken lots of photos over the years and many of my favorites have found their way into the digital medium. Here are just three of my favorites, with a fun bit of javascript and a link to the full gallery.