Moistest Brain Drippings
- Grover Cleveland - America's 22nd President
- What's the big deal with these new president coins and why on earth would we give Grover Cleveland double dollars?
- January's Month End Wrapup
- Too big for a news dropping, it's dropped here instead!
- What the crap is a Woot?
- After many agonizing days, I received a bag of crap in the mail & I couldn't be happier! w00t!
- What time is it?!
- When I woke up this morning the myriad clocks all read something different. Should I stop the insanity? It's time.
- How I coped with getting married...
- Music has always meant a lot to me (see below) so I wasn't shocked to realize that I had positively bathed in it during the week leading up my Mawidge. Read on for the inside scoop on our hot wax coated wedding reception!
- Rant on! Call MY media illegal do you?
- "Weird Al" Yankovic VS MC Lars. I have a feeling they're on the same team in the end.
- Eric is ... married!
- Part one of the two part wedding is completed. The state of New Jersey is cool with us as a married couple. However, we're only half way there...
Read on for the rest of the story!
- Why is everyone doing the Fusion Dance?
- There is a Valdez load of money being dumped into making sure we are in Awe of "Fusion" and I think I figured out why.
Prepare to be shocked! Oh, and check out All Things Fusion 2006 while you're there.
- At Home on the Internet
- Aka @Home.net, this is a metaphore run amuck that is part history lesson, part psychotic vision of my PC as my home through the ages.
- A quick history of this website
- Formerly stored in the News Archive, I moved it here because I could.
- April Fools!
- Herein I chronicle my greatest pranks of all time including the masterpiece of 2005! My first ever 2 page dripping!
- Odds & Ends
- I intended this to be a quick write-up of a few things I wanted to get off of my chest, but it turned into this windy mess that I
HOPE you'll read all the way to the end. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!
- Language! (Well, you gotta speak something)
- A short pictorial exposition on the evils that others do to the "Engrish" language.
- Eric's Favorites Photos
- I've taken lots of photos over the years and many of my favorites have found their way into the digital medium. Here are just three of my
favorites, with a fun bit of javascript and a link to the full gallery.
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