I’ve been away from the website for a few months for several reasons. First and foremost I was tired of updating the site in the manor I had been. The two big downsides were the fact that I couldn’t update the site if I wasn’t at my home computer and what I call the Custom Code aspect. It wasn’t so bad really modifying dates, copying code around and so forth, but it was written in my own brand of custom HTML and in the day and age of blogging there are just better ways.
So, I’ve installed WordPress, themed & skinned it to vaguely resemble my main page and I’ll be dropping “news” tidbits in here. It should work nearly seamless like to the way it used to except that folks shall now be able to comment on my news and possibly brain-drippings.
I know… I sold out and installed a “package” to do most of my websmithing, but apparently the alternative was no updates. Which is the lesser evil?
I’ve also been gnarly busy. We’re trying to buy a house1. I’m enjoying the outdoors2. I’m training for my first 10k3. I’ve entered the Tour De Cache4. The Sopranos’ final season is upon us5. Like Kermit’s bedroom, I’m swamped!
Enough of this palaver. No excuses: More updates shall follow! Thanks for reading!
Hey Kiddo,
I think you are wrong. I don’t think they are going to kill off Tony. Too easy, it’s what everybody is expecting. And if it does happen…”what are you going to do about it?”