My cousin David & his wife Asami are expecting the first Great Grandchild in my family and the Baby Shower was this weekend. It was my first “shower” and the new thing is that everyone attends, including the guys. I didn’t mind so much because the shower sort of doubled as the wedding reception they hadn’t been able to have at the time.
Quick summary: Lots of folks from all sides of the families. Good eats. A cake made out of diapers. A real cake with little “booties” on it. A gifting ceremony with many a “Awwwww!” from the audience. Tons of photos.
I’ll spare you the bandwidth by not posting the shots here, instead I’ll upload them to the photo gallery.
Click here to see my shots of the shower.
Congrats to David & Asami on becoming parents!
Congrats to Tiff on becoming an Aunt!
Congrats to Dave & Bev on becoming grand parents!
Congrats to Nana on becoming a Great grand parent!