My email address is not your spam folder! Brain DrippingEric Dalton

Back in the early days of the world a friend of mine sent me an invitation to sign up with Google’s brand new email system. I jumped at the opportunity and was surprised when my Ericles moniker was already taken. Unperturbed, I used Eric.Dalton since I already had the entire Ericles domain.

Well, it seems that other blokes sharing my name don’t want to use their own personal email address so they give out mine freely. This makes little sense to me. Do they think Toyota, RedBox, or Apple is going to have their feelings hurt when they realize you used “”? Only Mr. B. Ogus has anything to complain about when you use that address. Or is it S. Bogu? But I digress…

Some of the uses of my address are comical and some are sad. I’m sure many are by accident like forgetting a middle initial or not knowing if Eric is with a C or K. Regardless, I’ll be sharing these minor transgressions under this new category and then sharing that category on which I’ve neglected to do anything with for a number of years. I’m finding that by doing a little research I’m able to find out quite a bit about the senders and receivers. Let the fun begin!

The first one goes back to March of 2008 when Shelley Brady of the Carolina Garden Company out of Raleigh, NC sent me 9 pictures (in 9 separate emails) of random landscaping that she found interesting enough to share. They had different names – either “Scott and Kelly” or “Importation Pictures” or just the default file name from a Panasonic digital camera. The pictures were of businesses, retirement homes and random front yards. I didn’t bother to respond. What I wish I had done was reply “Thanks. I’ll take #8.” and just wait for the fun to start. Hopefully Shelley eventually tracked down the right email address and made a sale. Hopefully Mr. Dalton learned that if you want to see the pictures the landscaper sends… you have to give them a valid email address that you own.

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