Monthly Archives: June 2005

We’re poisoning the children! Brain DrippingHealth/Fitness

The other day I went for a relaxing bike ride for these reasons:

  • It was a nice day and I felt like exploring the neighborhood.
  • I just had the bike fixed and wanted to try it out.
  • I needed to get out of the house for a while.
  • I didn’t feel like doing the “work” I had scheduled for myself that weekend.
  • Cross training. I was tired of running and wanted to get muddy!

With those stated reasons in mind I enjoyed a relaxing (and muddy) 12 mile trek through the woods, over bogs and along the shoulder of scenic Route 516. Just as I was returning to my abode I heard a strange electric whirring noise and looked up to see two kids (roughly 7 to 9 years old) riding what looked like a mini-motorcycle and a mini-go-cart. The go-cart kid saw me on my bike and loudly exclaimed “WE DON’T NEED EXERCISE!“.

That’s right the little chubby cherub (sorry kid, but you barely fit into the go-cart… really, you looked quite uncomfortable) didn’t need exercise because he had a go-cart. What frightens me about this isn’t that he decided to be mouthy, but that he saw me on my bike and did not see:

  • Someone out for a ride to get from point A to point B or
  • Someone on a bike to enjoy the wind in his hair (or through my helmet; whatever) or
  • Someone who was just out playing like they were… no!

He saw someone exercising!

Children who perceive a bicycle covered in mud as nothing more than exercise are in for a long and tedious life. All of the media targetted at adults is seeping into the brains of our larvae. If it isn’t battery powered and “Zoom zoom zoom”, then it must be exercise which is work and no child will ever ride a bike or play tag again because “spinning” or “treadmilling” is for adults. Thanks Ballys. Thanks Curves. I’m never having kids or, failing that, at least never going to let them watch commercials.

Aging out of a demographic News

Ok, here’s the blow by blow from my latest Continually Recurring Acknowlegment Day…. when I went and aged for a 30th time. *sigh* With Pictures! (All of which can be clickied to see a biggie version.)

When I emerged from my steam hydration cleansing (shower) Heather had prepared a surprise for me in the kitchen. See image at left!

  1. Walking stick since I’m old and decrepit. How romantic!
  2. A battery for my pace maker. Hmmm.
  3. A notebook so I wont forget things and have senior moments.
  4. Peer Support. Guess YODA was the only one old enough.
  5. Finally, a cup of mush to eat for lunch cuz I have no teeth.

Ain’t she sweet?

For lunch my boss took me out for lunch. This was cool. I decided to go out on a limb and try something new. They called it a “Chicken Caesar Pizza” and I thought chicken and some dressing & maybe parm cheese would be a tasty treat.

What I got was an entire caesar salad on top of a pizza.

I ate it anyway and it was good. Happy Birthday to Me!

Heather sent me flowers (Right) and Balloons (Left) at the office. They smelled pretty and floated.

Still floating (and living) a week later!

Pick a Movie Format!
Low Res – WMV (250Kb)
Medium – Flash (450Kb)
High Res – AVI (3.6MB)

At EXACTLY 5:59 PM (EDT) I officially increased 1 digit. I *ehem* just happened to have my digi-cam handy so I filmed it for posterity.

eval Eric += 1

You’re watching a man turn 30.
There you have it folks. I’m old.
Don’t let your children grow up to be old. . .

When I got home from work there was a sign waiting for me above the front door. It read:


This was to imply that I was still a boy. Still, ya gotta wonder what the neighbors thought. =]

Heather greeted me in the flesh from the top of the stairs as I entered. There was a “Happy Birthday” banner hanging above her head and the smell of dinner in the air.

Yay! Home cooked dinner! Fitting that it was a recipe that I taught her: Jerk Chops over Mega-Rice with canned vegi-things.


For dessert, she whipped up a Pineapple Upside-Down Cake.

That steaming pile of yum over on the right is what it looked like.

I also had a bathroom filled with balloons!

I couldn’t help it… I had to go for a swim.

After that I opened up giftsies and Heather wore my new floppy hat.

The End!

Thanks everyone!