I’m typing this from a room at the Hilton New Brunswick. I don’t mention this for any good reason except that it’s pretty cool that I don’t have to be on my home computer. That’s why I switched over to this new format – ease of use and mobility!
But I die-gress. I’m talking about health. I’ve been thinking about the past year and how much healthier I think that I feel now that I’ve left New York. I’ll write much more about that soon, but for now I’ll just mention that Back-Pack Back and New Jersey Transit Neck are feeling much better but not 100%…. so I’m going to a Chiropractor.
For those who haven’t… the process goes like this:
- Find a practitioner that accepts your insurance. This could be harder than it sounds.
- Visit said practitioner, fill out lots of paperwork & watch videos that use the word “Chiropractic” as a Noun.
- Go get X-Rays of affected area. You may have to fight to find a Radiology place that takes your insurance.
- Return to Chiropractic specialist with exposed X-Ray sensitive sheets in hand.
- Watch another video explaining terms associated with your suffering (like “degenerative” & “subluxation”)
- Chiropractor explains your condition using terms from above video.
- The honeymoon is over! Your joints will now be adjusted, turned, twisted & realigned & positioned as necessary.
- Your body rebels against the newly positioned joints and slide back into their wrong positions.
- You return to the expert practitioner for re-re-alignment.
- Repeat steps 7 through 9 until terms learned in step 5 no longer apply.
I’m stuck in the steps 7-9 loop at the moment but I can feel a difference. It’s been many years since I was able to fully turn my head to the side though I hadn’t realized it until just last week.
That’s about all for my quick health update. Oh, and to answer the question you’re thinking of asking… yeah it makes popping/cracking noises! That’s perfectly normal… its just pieces of your spine snapping off and entering your blood stream. Nothing to worry about at all!
After years of trying to get you to go to a chiropractor–phew! I’m relieved that you have finally found relief. Hugging you sometimes was like hugging a suit of armour…lots of kinks and locked vertebra; decades old. Glad you are feeling better.