It’s a new new house although it’s only new to us. You see we got tired of being dicked around by the previous sellers’ attorney and bank (Adios Banco Popular!), ixnayed the deal, made a bid on a new dream home and as of this very evening have a signed contract. We’re back in attorney review – but this time with real people who want to move out. We even have a closing date. The house is in Keyport, NJ right off of Treasure (“Yarrr! X marks the spot!”) Lake and a 2 minute walk from the bay.
Sorry, no pictures this time. I’m not going to jinx it. I will send you a linksie or three though!
Google Maps Sat View
Zillow’s House Page w/Birds Eye View
City Data for Keyport, NJ
I’ll provide more info as things get settled!
Hi, it’s David from Zillow,
Our zip is Keyport but our taxes are Aberdeen. Go figure. (shrug)