Did you know that Geocaching.com is the only cache site the doesn’t have an actual Latin prefix?
It’s true, it’s clue!
The other day I was driving home from work and the car hit 100,000 miles just as I was passing Holmdel Park so I pulled in to marvel at the milestone. I took the opportunity to explore Historic Longstreet Farm and scout out some cache locations. I found three good spots and used one almost immediately.
My most recent Geocaching hide is an addition to Team EKitt10’s excellent “Psychic Friends Network” series. I’m using the “Out of Body Experience” angle and forcing cachers to think outside the box (or outside the physical realm) to find the coordinates. I spent some time this evening making the puzzle more fun and adding Easter Eggs to the cache page. If you’re reading this and you came from the cache page then you obviously found one of the easter eggs! 🙂
Good luck, happy hunting and enjoy your OOBE!
Hey DD! How ya been? How’s Neptune?
Jeez, is it that obvious? I have no clue what I’m doing. Totally lost 🙂
Extra clue: Remember that geocaching is name of the sport. Search Google for Geocaching and ignore any reference to Groundspeak’s sites.
Still trying to figure this out. Any additional help? Saw the ghost text but don’t understand it.
If you made it this far, you have all of the standard clues at your fingertips. Remember, the cache page tells you exactly what you MUSTdo.